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Fast track your property investing & achieve your lifestyle of choice

Take control of your financial future now.

Outperform the
Property Market

Pay Off Your

Your Income

There is a common misconception that working hard is the key to financial success.

Putting your nose to the grindstone will result in more money…right?

This widely-held belief is particularly appealing if you are naturally more risk-adverse. Working hard is something that is within our control.

But the reality is the biggest risk you can take is relying only on your hard work and taking no extra steps to improve your financial situation.

When you embark on your investment journey with Finnia, you’ll get:

A framework to clarify your numbers
We walk alongside you to practically discover the exact number you need to reach in order to pay off your home, replace your income and achieve early retirement.

Thorough understanding of the economics of property
With all the right tools and knowledge, you will be able to discern the right investment opportunities for you.

Access investment opportunities that are proven to outperform the traditional property market
We help everyday investors participate at the property development stage, even guiding you to create these opportunities yourself to profit more.

Everyone wants to feel in control of their own financial journey.

Finnia is here to hand you that control.

At Finnia, we want to help you make the most of your hard work. Our aim is to guide you to build and multiply your wealth in the foreseeable future through the right tools and investment vehicles.

Join our community of property investors:

  • “Thank you Peter for looking after Andrew & I the past 10 years. Your Service & Advice has always been first class. You are a true Gentleman with a wealth of knowledge.”

    Mel and Andro Guic
  • “Peter has taken us both by the hand and to date is still holding our hands in our journey together to achieve financial freedom sooner, build a healthy property portfolio, minimise our tax implications but most important of all Peter has become a family friend who really cares. You are not a number, you are a friend.”

    Peter & Michelle Arvanitis

    Here’s how it works:

    Schedule an Appointment

    A complimentary session to assess your situation and capacity and define your goals.

    Design Your Property Investment Journey

    We help you understand the different opportunities so that you can make informed choices.

    Maximise Your Profit from the Property Market

    Generate profit by getting in at the development stage.

    Schedule an obligation-free appointment to start the conversation today:

    Am I in a position to invest now?
    Do I have the initial capital required to get started, or where can I find that money?
    What are the best investment opportunities to achieve my goals?

    Am I in a position to invest now?

    Do I have the initial capital required to get started, or where can I find that money?

    What are the best investment opportunities to achieve my goals?

    At Finnia, we specialise in empowering investors to identify property opportunities with “off-market” growth potential.

    Everyday property investors are limited to traditional real estate opportunities. They are competing against all the other buyers and are forced to pay market value price or higher.

    We specialise in helping clients access profitable opportunities and outperform the property market. We’ve helped our clients to:*

    • Buy land at a 20% discount to valuation
    • Achieve 8%+ annual returns
    • Create a six figure rental income through property
    • Invest in property with little to no debt

    *These are individual experiences of our clients that have used our service. However, they are individual results and results and outcomes may vary. We do not claim they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. Finnia cannot and does not guarantee results. Your full financial situation would need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product.

    The average Australian earns $2.07 million over their working life, yet 60% do not have enough money to fund a comfortable retirement.1

    You don’t have to be average. Use property as a tool to get you financially sorted for life.

    1. Based on reports from National Centre For Social And Economic Modelling (NATSEM) and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

      This page provides general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and your full financial situation will need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice and you should always seek professional advice in relation to your individual circumstances.